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Looking For Trends In Past Careers

Go back far enough and you should be able to find the beginning of a trend. Most trends that we can think of today wouldn’t require a time machine or even a new calendar any many cases. Trends and fads are fickle, subject to the whim of popular culture and the great...

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Unavoidable music

Life in music: Music is the wonderful art form of sound. Rhythms, pitch, harmony, tempo and articulation are the various elements of music. Music is the medicine for everyone. It helps us stay calm and helps our disturbed soul recover from an otherwise stressful life....

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Jacksonville Music: What You Need To Hear

If you're taking part in a speech competition and you're topic is Jacksonville music then you'll find it quite hard to fit in everything you need to say within a couple of minutes. This Florida city has been highly influential in giving America and the world some of...

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